Software Rollout 101: How to change team behavior without draining morale

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Rolling out new software can be daunting but the benefits to be had are numerous. When it comes time to roll out new software it’s essential you have a plan in place. With the right strategy, your new software will benefit your company without draining morale. Here’s a primer on successfully deploying new software.

Understand Your Position

There’s an old saying: You can’t plan where you’re going if you don’t know where you are. When planning new software rollouts you have to have a clear idea of where your business stands at the moment.

For example, perhaps you’re a small business moving into the mid-sized market. Implementing business software to aid your bookkeeping and accounting processes is ideal because you’ll be better able to understand your cash flow and expenses. Without first knowing where your business stands, you won’t be able to properly plan for where it’s heading.

Establish an Objective

You’ve done the research. You understand why certain software is a benefit to your organization, but that doesn’t mean your employees are on the same page.

Let’s take our example: you’re rolling out new bookkeeping software. You should loop your employees in early to the benefits of switching from old processes. Perhaps your new software provides critical functions the old one didn’t. Make your employees aware of these in the planning stages and you’ll be better positioned to roll out your new software smoothly.

If your employees work on an intranet network, keep them up-to-date on your rollout by creating an eye-catching banner for your site. Simply use an online banner template that you can customize with your own copy, font, colors, and more. 

Make New Processes Clear

New software is just that: new. It will take some time to get your employees up to speed with it. When it comes time to train your workers on the new processes involved in your software, ensure they’re accessible and clear. For example, when rolling out new bookkeeping and accounting software, you might draft written processes and keep them in a central location for employees to access. TPC Training notes that for some employees, additional training may need to be done down the road.

Understand User Needs

No two departments will use the same piece of software the same way. In order to ensure your software rollout runs smoothly, you have to understand how each employee will use it.

For instance, your accounting team will use new bookkeeping software very differently to your design department. You must plan for these different uses and ensure your new software is benefiting everyone from the top level down.

Make Training a Priority

Software training can seem superfluous but in reality, it’s the only way for an organization to get the most out of its new processes. When rolling out new software to your business, you have to make training a priority. When choosing new software, ensure its rollout includes training processes.

Roll Out New Software Smoothly

Change is hard, and so rolling out new software within your business can be a complicated process. However, just because it’s daunting doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Rolling out new software smoothly and effectively is within reach!

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Finding Success in the Post-Pandemic World: Tips for Small Business Owners

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Finding Success in the Post-Pandemic World

Countless small business owners have struggled to make business decisions during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, and many entrepreneurs running gyms and bars are just now able to operate. Despite these setbacks, you don’t have to give up on your business. It’s even possible to grow your customer base during this trying time! By following these tips from Nicole & Carly, you’ll be able to determine your next steps and feel optimistic about your company’s future.

Your Administrative To-Do List

For a leader in business, there are always time-consuming administrative duties to complete, and the case for outsourcing these tasks is a good one. But if you’re off to a slow start as business ramps up, maybe it’s time to take care of some of these items yourself.

  • This is the perfect time for a digital decluttering session -- you can block off a few hours to organize your files!

  • If your home office is messy, create a cleaning schedule to tidy it up within a week.

  • Need to prepare your financial documents for tax season? Schedule an appointment with an accountant who works with small business owners. 

  • Gain business benefits like limited liability and extra tax breaks by registering as a limited liability company (LLC). An LLC offers operational flexibility and the combined advantages of a limited company and a partnership. 

  • Automate your administrative tasks and run your books from your phone. With an automated payroll app like QuickBooks Payroll mobile app, you’re able to manage and complete all the aspects of this tedious task from your smartphone or laptop. This includes paying for taxes, creating reminders, and running reports.

Reducing Business Expenses

Even if sales are down, you can boost your cash flow by cutting any unnecessary spending. This may be anything from cutting down on travel to turning off the lights in unused areas of your operation.

  • Before you begin making changes to your budget, meet with a financial consultant who has the right credentials. 

  • If your team has been working remotely, you may want to consider ending or renegotiating the commercial lease for your office or retail space. 

  • Consider other cost-cutting initiatives, like finding budget-friendly suppliers and automating certain tasks. 

Prepare for Company Growth

Now’s the perfect time to grow your company. To bring in more business, you’ll need to consider how you can meet your customers’ needs in the moment. 

  • Your customers may not be out shopping, but they are doing business online! Working with a digital marketing pro to develop a mobile app will allow them to patronize your business virtually.

  • Implementing a new social media marketing strategy can get your products and services in front of new eyes. 

  • From improving your remote team management skills to revamping your website, research all you can about adapting your business to current challenges.

It’s easy to view our post-pandemic world as an obstacle, but for quick-thinking entrepreneurs, it can also be an opportunity. You can find new ways to reduce spending and reach your customers online! By following these tips, you can succeed even when it feels like the odds are stacked against your business.